tail -f for windows

Posted by 빵빵빵
2011/03/11 15:52 전산(컴퓨터)

출처 : http://blog.naver.com/PostView.nhn?blogId=831jsh&logNo=60013558135&categoryNo=0&parentCategoryNo=23&viewDate=&currentPage=40&postListTopCurrentPage=1&from=search

Tail for Win32

This is the homepage of Tail for Win32 - the Windows version of the UNIX 'tail -f' command.

Tail for Win32 is used to monitor changes to files; displaying the changed lines in realtime. This makes Tail ideal for watching log files.

Tail has a plugin architecture, which allows notifications to occur when certain keywords are detected in monitored files. At the moment a MAPI plugin is available, and work is in progress on an SMTP version.


A few features of Tail:

  • Watch multiple files in realtime

  • Detect keyword matches, and highlight occurences

  • Send mail notifications on keyword matches by SMTP or MAPI

  • Plugin architecture allows you to write specialised handlers

  • Can process files of any size on all types of drive (local or networked)


Tail for Win32 Screenshots

Syntax Highlighting

Click for full-size 

The main screen watching a couple of logs. This screenshot is showing the beginnings of the "workspace" functionality.

Keyword Configuration

Click for full-size
Here, we can see that when "fwanalog" is encountered, a MAPI mail will be sent, but when "apache" or "authentication failure" are found, an SMTP mail will triggered.
Syntax Highlighting and Tally Window
Click for full-size
Here, Tail is monitoring Apache's error and access log files on my project's webserver. The tally window is keeping count of hits from each of the developers.
Click for full-size
This is the MAPI plugin configuration dialog. Notice that we have substitution variables for useful items such as the keyword that triggered the alert.
2011/03/11 15:52 2011/03/11 15:52


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